Sunday, July 11, 2010


There are infinite quantity of diseases in the world these days, ranging from the ordinary cold to toxic cancer. One of these types of diseases are skin diseases.
It is also recognized as, dermatosis which we defined as any infection of the skin, specially, the skin is the largest organ of the body, and one of the mainly susceptible. It acts as a defensive shield for the body for the destructive pathogens, but it is not resistant to virus on its own. Also many skin diseases that are general, like acne, warts, and eczema. The psychological cause of these diseases is not to be underestimated. As the skin is the very noticeable organ of the body, skin disease can reason major psychological stress, particularly among the peers
Mostly skin diseases pestilence public around the world daily .The purpose of this article will to highlighting some of the more common skin diseases:
1. Acne
Bad skin is a disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. When the glands block in that result hives appear, It is estimated that, in the United States about 17 million people suffer in this diseases.In the result of blocking glands hormone levels increases which cause further oil. The pimples appear by the spilling of oil.
2. Calluses and Corns
Corns are smaller calluses which appears on the peak of toes from repetitive resistance and stress from shoes. While calluses are generally simple as well as, corns are very painful.
3. Psoriasis
It is very general skin disease, psoriasis causes red raised areas that appear as scales on the, knees, scalp, elbows. The reaserch shows that in the United States it affects 5 to 7 million people. The reason of the disease is unidentified, but it seems that it is caused by unusually fast-growing skin cells.
4. Eczema
Eczema is a disease that causes an swelling of the epidermis. It causes a persistent skin situation which is typically characterized by rosiness, puffiness, dying and dryness. Eczema can cause severe frustration,

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