We have seen that, In pregnancy most of the skin are changes due to the effects of hormones on different body structures. The effects on the skin may be considered normal and considered that it is not disease-related. But, these similar effects may be viewed as pathologic to the woman who has fresh skin changes. But out of these changes, Some changes are permanent, but appear only during pregnancy or for a short interval of time after pregnancy.
Pigment Changes
The change in pigmentation during pregnancy is called hyperpigmentation. It is thought that top levels of progesterone estrogen, and melanocyte-stimulating hormone which cause this skin darkening. The final is a hormone which causes the pigment producing cells, or melanocytes, to build additional melanin. Regions that were darker earlier to pregnancy such as the nipples, areolae, armpits,genital skin, and internal thighs which tend to get still darker. Sometimes the dark line is called linea nigrawhich make on the belly. Other women have a darkening of facial skin it is said to be melasma.
Hair and Nail Changes
In pregnancy Hair changes can differ from too much to too little. several women notice further, darker hair on the arms, face and legs. The similar women may also note a reduction of the hair on the scalp. This condition is known as telogen effluvium and it is caused by a transfer of these hairs to the telogen, or inactive, phase. It is throughout the telogen stage that hairs are hut. This peeling may last from 1 to 5 months but it may not stop until 15 months after the release.The Nail changes during pregnancy contain delicacy, channel formation, or a division of the nail from the ending of the nail bed called onycholysis.
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